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Reference Book Listings

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Please note that some of these texts are out-of-print. However, book dealers can often find used copies.

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Advances in Permanent Magnetism; Rollin J. Parker; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1990; ISBN: 0471822930
• Comment: This is one of only a couple of books that strikes a balance between technical content and practical application. It should probably be in every magnetician's library. Published in 1990, it is adequately recent to include content on rare earth magnets.

Improving the Properties of Permanent Magnets; Editor; Elsevier Science, 1991; ISBN: 1851666109

New ContentModern Permanent Magnets; J.J. Croat and J. Ormerod Editors; Elsevier Science, 2022; ISBN: 978-0-323-88658-1
• Comment: A very recent publication with chapters written by some of the leading scientists and engineers in the permanent magnet space. Full of historical information, recent material developments, manufacturing know-how and explanations of applications.

Permanent Magnet Design and Application Handbook, 2nd Edition; Lester Moskowitz; Krieger Publishing Co., Melbourne, Florida, 1995; ISBN: 0894647687
• Comment: The book had been offered in two versions. The complete book (961 pages) with reddish-brown cover includes an extensive set of permanent magnet product data. These older materials may be of limited interest except in supplying legacy applications and matching specs with modern materials. Both the short and complete texts contain extensive application guidance.

Permanent Magnet Materials and Their Application; Peter Campbell; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994; ISBN: 0521249961

Permanent Magnet Materials and Their Applications; K.J.S. Buschow; Trans Tech Publications, Ltd., Switzerland, 1998; ISBN: 087849796X

Permanent Magnetism; R. Skomski, J.M.D. Coey; Institute of Physics Publishing, 1999; ISBN: 07503-0478-2

Permanent Magnets; F.G. Spreadbury; Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Inc., London, 1949
• Comment: Excellent text contains much of the material later covered by Parker & Studders in 1962 and later by R.J. Parker in 1990. Out of print, but used copies are somteimes available.

Permanent Magnets and Magnetism; D. Hadfield, Editor; Iliffe Books, Ltd. (John Wiley & Sons), London, 1961 (out of print)
• Comment: Out of print, but contains very useful fundamental technical and material information. Get a copy if you can find one!

Permanent Magnets and Their Applications; Rollin J. Parker, Robert J. Studders; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1962 (out of print)
• Comment: A good book, but significantly updated by Parker in 1990 - - see instead: Advances in Permanent Magnetism.

Permanent Magnets: Materials and Applications (Dauermagnete: Werkstoffe und Anwendungen); K. Schuler, K. Brinkman; Springer-Verlag, 1970; ISBN-13: 978-3-642-93003-4
• Comment: A classic, but written in German and emulated by Parker (in English) in Advances in Permanent Magnetism, 1990.

Rare-Earth Iron Permanent Magnets; J.M.D. Coey, Editor; Oxford University Press, Inc., 1996; ISBN: 0198517920

Rare Earth Metals Based Permanent Magnets: A Literature Study; Frits Andriessen, Maarten Terpstra; Elsevier Science, 1989; ISBN: 1851663215

Structures of Permanent Magnets: Generation of Uniform Fields; Manlio G. Abele; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1993; ISBN: 0471591122

Supermagnets, Hard Magnetic Materials; Editors; Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991; ISBN: 0792310926

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Advances in Switched-Mode Power Conversion Vol 1&2; Caltech Power and Electronics Group, 1983;

Direct Current Magnetic Measurements for Soft Magnetic Materials - STP 371-S1; Editor; American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), 1970; 0803107366

Electronic Transformers and Circuits; Reuben Lee; John Wiley & Sons, 1988; ISBN: 0-471-81976-X

Fundamentals for Powder Metallurgy and Metal Injection Molding, Monographs in P/M Series No. 2; Chaman Lall; Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF), 1992; ISBN: 1878954172

Handbook of Transformer Design and Applications; William M. Flanagan; McGraw-Hill, 1992; ISBN: 0070212910

Magnetism and Metallurgy of Soft Magnetic Materials; Chih-Wen Chen; Dover Publications, Inc., 1990; ISBN: 0486649970

Magnetism of Amorphous Metals and Alloys; J.A. Fernandez-Baca, W.Y. Ching; World Scientific Publishing Company, Inc., 1995; ISBN: 9810210337

Soft Ferrites: Properties and Applications, 2nd Edition; E.C. Snelling; Butterworth-Heinemann, 1989; ISBN: 0408027606

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Advances in Nanocrystallization; A. R. Yavari; Materials Science Forum Vol. 307, 1999; ISBN: 087849829x

Concise Encyclopedia of Magnetic & Superconducting Materials; J. Evetts, Editor, University of Cambridge; Pergamon (Elsevier Science), 1992; ISBN: 0080347223

Electrical Steels for Rotating Machines; Philip Beckley; Institution of Electrical engineers, 2002; ISBN: 0-85296-980-5

Ferromagnetic Materials: Structure and Propertiies; R.A. McCurrie; Academic Press, 1994; ISBN: 0-12-482495-1

Handbook of Electromagnetic Materials: Monolithic and Composite Versions and Their Applications; Perambur S. Neelakanta, Ph.D.; CRC Press, Inc., Florida, 1995; ISBN: 0849325005

Ferrites; C.M. Srivastava; Crystal Properties and Preparation, 1989; ISBN: 0878495959

Ferrites; Iida, Shsuichi, Sugimoto, Mitsuo and Watanabe, Hiroshi Editors; Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1982; ISBN: 9027714134

Ferromagnetic Materials: A Handbook on the Properties of Magnetically Ordered Substances; K.H.J. Buschow, E.P. Wohlfarth, Editors; North-Holland, Netherlands, 1990; ISBN: 0444874771

Fundamentals and Applications of Magnetic Materials; Kannan M. Krishnan; Oxford University Press, 2016; ISBN: 978-0-19-957044-7
• Comment: Very thorough text on magnetism, magnetic materials and applications. May be too technical except for persons heavily engaged in the sicence of magnetism.

Handbook of Magnetic Materials; K.H.J. Buschow, Editor; North-Holland, Netherlands, 1998; ISBN: 0444829563

Introduction to Magnetic Materials; B.D. Cullity; Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1972 (out of print); ISBN: 0201012189
• Comment: See instead the next item which is an update by Dr. chad Graham of the original Cullity text.

Introduction to Magnetic Materials, 2nd edition; B.D. Cullity, C.D. Graham; IEEE Press and John Wiley & Sons, 2009; ISBN: 978-0-471-47741-9
• Comment: A solid text on the fundamentals of magnetism and magnetic materials - highly rated.

Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 3rd ed.; David C. Jiles; CCRC Press - Taylor and Francis, 2015; ISBN-13: 978-1482238877
• Comment: A good introductory text on the subject of magnetism and includes some more advanced discussion. This 3rd edition is significantly updated. Content is complementary to several of the other texts so is worthy of consideration for addition to your library.

Magnetic Ceramics; Editors; The American Ceramic Society, 1995; ISBN: 0944904815

Magnetic Ceramics; Raul Valenzuela; Cambridge University Press, 1994; ISBN: 052136485X

Magnetic Materials; D.J. Craik, Robert S. Tebble; (out of print); ISBN: 0608100285

Magnetic Materials; Rainer Hilzinger, Werner Rodewald; Vacuumschmelze, 2013; ISBN: 978-3-89578-352-4
• Comment: Highly recommended. It is a book by Vacuumschmelze personnel and published by Vacuumschmelze so it is focused on that company's products. The content is thorough and easy to read. Many photographs, charts and illustrations. Nominal cost for addition to your library.

Magnetic Materials; Nicola Spaldin; Cambridge University Press, 2003; ISBN: 978-0-521-81631-1

Magnetic Properties of Materials; Jan Smit Editor; McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1971 (out of print)

Martensitic Transformations; B.C. Muddle; Materials Science Forum Vols. 56-58, 1990; ISBN: 0878496106

Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials - ISMANAM 98; A. Calka, D. Wexler; Materials Science Forum Vols. 312-314, 1999; ISBN: 0878498389

Modern Ferrite Technology, 2nd Edition; Alex Goldman; Springer 2006; ISBN: 978-0-387-28151-3

Modern Magnetic Materials; Robert C. O'Handley; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1999; ISBN: 0471155667

Nanophase Materials; E. Bonetti, D. Fiorani; Materials Science Forum Vol. 195, 1995; ISBN: 0878497099

Rare Earth Minerals and Minerals for Electronic Uses; B. Siribumrungsukha et al; Materials Science Forum Vols. 70-72, 1991; ISBN: 0878495304

Rare Earths '98; R.C. Woodward; Materials Science Forum Vols. 315-317, 1999; ISBN: 0878495304

Science and Technology of Nanostructured Magnetic Materials; George C. Hadjipanayis, and G. Prinz Editors; Plenum Publishing Corp., 1991; ISBN: 306439247

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Basic Introduction to Bioelectromagnetics; Douglas A. Christensen, Carl H. Durney; CRC Press, 1999; ISBN: 0849311985

Computational Methods for Electromagnetics; Andrew F. Peterson, Scott L. Ray, Raj Mittra; IEEE, 1998; ISBN: 0780311221

Electricity and Magnetism, 4th Edition; W.J. Duffin; McGraw-Hill Companies, 1990; ISBN: 007707209X

Electricity, Relativity and Magnetism; Derek J. Craik; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1999; ISBN: 0471986399

Electromagnetic and Electromechanical Machines, 3rd Edition; Leander W. Matsch, J. Derald Morgan; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1986; ISBN: 0471603643

Electromagnetic Devices for Motion Control and Signal Processing; Yuly M. Pulyer; Springer-Verlag N.Y., Inc., New York, 1992; ISBN: 0387978275

Electromagnetics Problem Solver: A Complete Solution Guide to Any Textbook; Staff of Research and Education Association, Dr. M. Fogiel Chief Editor, Research and Education Association, Piscataway, New Jersey, 1995

Electromagnetism, 2nd Edition; I.S. Grant, W.R. Phillips, A.S. Grant; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1991; ISBN: 0471927120

Electromagnetism for Engineers, 4th Edition; P. Hammond; Oxford University Press, Inc., 1997; ISBN: 0198562993

Electronic Transformers and Circuits, 3rd Edition; Reubin Lee, et al; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1990; ISBN: 047181976X

Experimental Methods In Magnetism: 1. Generation and Computation of Magnetic Fields; H. Zijlstra, ed.;North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1967
• Comment: This is part one of a classic. While it is out of print, if you find a copy, consider obtaining it. Excerpts from it might also be circulated on the internet as PDF files.

Experimental Methods In Magnetism: 2. Measurement of Magnetic Quantities; H. Zijlstra, ed.;North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1967
• Comment: This is part two of a classic. While it is out of print, if you find a copy, consider obtaining it. Excerpts from it might also be circulated on the internet as PDF files.

Ferromagnetism; Richard M. Bozorth; IEEE, 1993 (reprint); ISBN: 0780310322
• Comment: Without a doubt the best overall book on the subject and very reasonable in cost. Add it to your library!

Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism; Leonard B. Loeb; Dover Publishing, Inc., New York, 1961

Handbook of Magnetic Measurements; Slawomir Tumanski; CRC Press, 2016; ISBN: 9781439829523

Handbook of Magnetic Phenomena; Harry E. Burke; Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1986; ISBN: 0-442-21184-8

Magnetic Hysteresis; Edward Della Torre; Geaorge Washington University, 1999; ISBN: 0780347196

Magnetics Engineering Fundamentals and Computer-Aided Design Solutions; Fred M. Lilienstein; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1993; ISBN: 0442007388

Magnetism and Magnetic Materials; John Joseph Becker, G.H. Lander; American Institute of Physics, 1976; ISBN: 0883181339

Magnetism and Magnetic Materials; J.M.D. Coey; Cambridge University Press, 2009; ISBN: 978-0-521-81614-4
• Comment: A solid textbook on the science of magnetism and magnetic materials. Many excellent illustrations. Presents much information not found in comparable texts and includes numerous pictures of the scientists with backgound information on them.

Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2nd Edition; J.P. Jakubovics; Ashgate Publishing Company, 1994; ISBN: 0901716545

Magnetism: Principles and Applications; Derek Craik; John Wiley & Sons, 1997; ISBN: 0-471-95417-9

Measurement and Characterization of Magnetic Materials; Fausto Fiorillo; Elsevier Science, 2004; ISBN: 978-0-12-257251-7
• Comment: An excellent book on the subject though there may be less discussion of equipment and methods than desired. Covers both soft and hard magnetic materials. Includes a discussion of uncertainty in measurements.

Methods for Electromagnetic Field Analysis; I.V. Lindell; IEEE, 1992; ISBN: 078031154-X

Physical Principles of Magnetism; F. Brailsford; D. Van Nostrand and Company Ltd., 1966; Library of Congress Card No. 66-21547

Problem Solvers: Electromagnetics; REA Staff; Research & Education Association, 1987; ISBN: 0878915508

Processes and Computation; P. Hammond, J.K. Sykulski; Oxford University Press, Inc., 1995; ISBN: 0198562888

Recent Advances in Magnetism of Magnetic Materials: Proceedings; H.L. Huang; World Scientific Publishing Company, Inc., 1990; ISBN: 9810200714

Theory and Calculation of Electric Circuits; Charles Proteus Steinmetz; Watchmaker Publishing, 1918, Reprinted 2010; ISBN: 978-1-60386-317-9
• Comment: There are several chapters on magnetics - - reluctance, hysteresis, magnetic constants, mechanical forces due to magnetism. Terminology is dated, but the subject matter is expertly presented by one of magnetism's leading experts.

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Applications of Magnetism; Watson, James K.; published by the author, Gainesville, Florida, 1985; (Out of Print), ASIN 0471035408

Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Design; Duane C. Hanselman; McGraw-Hill Companies, 1994; ISBN: 0070260257

Design of Brushless Permanent-Magnet Motors, Vol. 37; James R. Hendershot, T.E. Miller; Oxford University Press, Inc., 1994; ISBN: 0198593899

Electromagnetic and Electromechanical Machines, 3rd Edition; Leander W. Matsch, J. Derald Morgan; John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1986; ISBN: 0471603643

Electromagnetic Devices; Herbert C. Roters; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., London, 1998

Handbook of Transformer Design and Applications, 2nd Edition; William M. Flanagan; McGraw-Hill Companies, 1992; ISBN: 0070212910

Magnetic Sensors, Vol. 5; Richard Boll, K.J. Overshott; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1989; ISBN: 0895736772

Magnetism: Magnetic Materials and Their Applications; F.P. Missell; Material Science Forum Vols. 302-303, 1999; ISBN: 08788498273

Magnetism: Principles & Applications; Derek J. Craik; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1995; ISBN: 471954179

Nd-Fe Permanent Magnets: Their Present and Future Applications; I.V. Mitchell, Editor; Elsevier Science, 1986; ISBN 853344051

New Trends in Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and Their Applications; J.L. Moran-Lopez, J.M. Sanchez, Editors; Plenum Publishing Corp., 1994; ISBN: 0306448297

P/M Magnetic Materials & Applications (Video); Complete Short Course held June 27-28, 1995 in Philadelphia; Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF), 1995; NTSC Video

Permanent Magnet and Electromechanical Devices: Materials, Analysis and Applications; Edward P. Furlani; Academic Press, 2001; ISBN: 0122699513
• Comment: Good text with an introduction to magnetic materials followed by the science including Maxwell's equations and field analysis. Much content on permanent magnet applications and electromechanical devices. Very mathematical content.

Permanent Magnet Materials and Their Application; Peter Campbell; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994; ISBN: 0521249961
• Comment: Very good complementary information to that in Parker's Advances in Permanent Magnetism. Approach is technically sound and comprehensible with considerable information on applications.

Permanent Magnet Motor Technology: Design and Applications; Jacek F. Gieras, Mitchell Wing; Marcel Dekker, 1996; ISBN: 0824797949

Permanent Magnetic Materials and Their Applications; K.H.J. Buschow; Materials Science Foundations Vol. 5, 1998; ISBN: 087849796x

Physics and Engineering Applications of Magnetism; Ishikawa, Yoshikazu and Miura, N.; Springer-Verlag N.Y., Inc., 1991; ISBN: 0387524207

Switchmode Power Supply Handbook, 2nd Edition; Keith Billings; McGraw-Hill Company, New York, 1998; ISBN: 0070067198

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Applied Magnetism; Richard Gerber, C.D. Wright, G. Asti, Editors; Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994; ISBN: 0792326229

Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd Edition; John David Jackson; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1998; ISBN: 047130932X

Driving Force: the natural magic of magnets; James D. Livingston; Harvard University Press 1996; ISBN: 0-674-21645-8 (pbk.), 0-674-21644-X (cloth)
• Comment: A wonderfully interesting and informative book about magnets providing motive force - highly recommended. See also his book Rising Force about magnetic levitation.

Corrosion of Electronic and Magnetic Materials; Philip J. Peterson, Editor; American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM), 1992; ISBN: 0803114702

Fundamentals of Physics, 10th Edition (Extended Edition, 1448 pages); David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2013; ISBN-13: 978-1118230725
• Comment: One of the better and most complete college-level physics textbooks. Many illustrations. Each chapter includes a summary and numerous problems (answers at the end of the book. (My personal copy is the 5th edition).

Physics for Scientists and Engineers (with Modern Physics), 4th Edition (1328 pages); Douglas, C. Giancoli; Prentice Hall, 2008; ISBN-13: 978-0131495081
• Comments: An excellent, less graphically "noisy" alternative to Halliday, Resnick and Walker (see above). My personal copy is the 2nd edition.

Physics of Ferromagnetism, 2nd Edition; Soshin Chikazumi, C.D. Graham; Oxford University Press, Inc., 1997; ISBN: 0198517769

Reference Data for Engineers: Radio, Electronics, Computer & Communications, 8th Edition; Mac E. Van Valkenburg; Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998; ISBN: 750670649

Rising Force: the magic of magnetic levitation; James D. Livingston; Harvard University Press, 2011; ISBN: 978-0-674-05535
• Comment: A wonderfully interesting and informative book about magnets providing forces for levitation - highly recommended. See also his book Driving Force about magnets used to provide motion.

Superconducting Materials; J.E. Evetts, Editor; Elsevier Science, 1992; ISBN: 0080347223

Theory of Structural Transformations in Solids; Armen G. Khachaturyan; Dover, 2008; ISBN-10: 0-486-46280-3

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Electricity & Magnetism (Fact Finders Series); Mike Clemmet; Parkwest Publications, 1990; ISBN: 0563373083

Electricity and Magnetism (Making Science Work); Catherine Ward; Raintree/Steck-Vaughn, 1998; ISBN: 0817242503

Electricity and Magnetism (Usborne Understanding Science); Andy Burton, E. Humberstons; EDC Publications, 1994; ISBN: 0746009941

Electricity and Magnetism (Yesterday's Science, Today's Technology Science Activities); Robert Gardner, Doris Ettinger; Twenty First Century Books, 1995; ISBN: 0805028501

Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals: Funtastic Science Activities for Kids; Robert W. Wood, Bill Wright; McGraw-Hill Companies, 1996; ISBN: 0070718059

Experiment with Magnets and Electricity; Margaret Whalley; Lerner Publications Company, 1993; ISBN: 0822524570

The Magnet Book; Shar Levine, Leslie Johnstone; Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., 1997; ISBN: 0806999438

Magnet Science; Glen Vecchione; Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., 1996; ISBN: 0806908890

Magnetic Magic; Paul Doherty, John Cassidy; Klutz, Inc., 1994; ISBN: 1-878257-86-2

Magnets; Janice VanCleave; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993; ISBN: 0-471-57106-7

Magnets and Electricity (Project Science); Alan Ward; Franklin Watts, Inc., 1992; ISBN: 0531141411

The Science Book of Magnets; Neil Ardley; Harcourt Brace & Company, 1991; ISBN: 0152005811

Science Projects About Electricity and Magnets; Robert Gardner; Enslow Publishers, Inc., 1994; ISBN: 0894905309

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